Monday, August 11, 2008


For a person who wishes to eliminate smoking, a self hypnosis session might contain the following Suggestions:
Each and every day I am smoking less. I am enjoying smoking more and the desire to eliminate this from my life is stronger than ever before. Because I am smoking less I stay physically, mentally, and emotionally satisfied for longer periods of time.
I see myself as a non-smoker – healthy, vigorous and clean. I see my lungs as pink, moist, healthy, and free of any poisons, tobacco tars, chemicals, or pollutants.
As I smoke less and less and enjoy it more, I can see a target date when I will be free, free of this addiction. I see myself healthy and well, breathing the fresh air of life itself.
Free to become healthier and healthier with each passing hour, day, month and year.
I see my own system revitalizing, re-energizing, and re-invigorating every cell of my mind and body. I am now a non-smoker. I taste my food better, I breathe better, and I live better. I am now free, healthy and clean

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